Episode 62 – Christianity 101 – Romans 8:18-39

This episode is part eleven in a study on Paul’s letter to Romans. If God is for us, who can be against us? What can separate us from the love of God? Nothing.

Romans 8:18-39

Song: I Am Convinced by Chris Christensen


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Episode 61 – Christianity 101 – Romans 8:1-16

This is the episode is part ten in a study on Paul’s letter to Romans. Paul gets to good news that we are not under condemnation any more if we are in Christ, and that his Spirit lives in us and assures us that we are children of God

Romans 8:1-16

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Episode 60 – Christianity 101 – Romans 7

This is the episode is part nine in a study on Paul’s letter to Romans. Paul focuses on the role of sin and “the law”. Why is that some things we would never think of doing suddenly become interesting if we learn they are forbidden?

Romans 7

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Episode 58 – Christianity 101 – Romans 5

This is the episode is part seven in a study on Paul’s letter to Romans. Paul tells us that now that we are made right with God we can rejoice… even in our suffering. Ouch. He also compares how Adam’s sin brought death and how Jesus faithfulness, even to death, brought reconciliation with God life.

Romans 5

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Episode 57 – Christianity 101 – Romans 4

This is the episode is part six in a study on Paul’s letter to Romans. Is it what we do or what we believe that makes us right with God. Paul uses the example of Abraham and how he was declared by God to be right with him before he was circumcised and when he did not deserve it.

Romans 4

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Episode 56 – Christianity 101 – Romans 3:9-31

This is the episode is part five in a study on Paul’s letter to Romans. In this part of the letter Paul taking about sin. He finally comes to the confusion that we are all sinners. We all fall short at least some of the time. We cannot follow the law, the rules, the things that please God all the time. But God has provided a different method for us to be right with him, to be righteous and that is what Jesus did on our behalf.

Romans 3:9-31

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Episode 55 – Christianity 101 – Romans 2:17-3:8

This is the episode is part four in a study on Paul’s letter to Romans. In this part of the letter Paul taking about hypocrisy. Knowing the right thing to do is nothing to brag about. Do we do it?

Romans 2:17-3:8

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