
The bible study podcast is just that. It is a podcast about what the bible says. It is not a political platform so if you are expecting a political theme, this is not the podcast for you. Yes, it is a Christian podcast.

Check out Chris’s other projects:

Amateur Traveler

The Amateur Traveler is an online blog and podcast. The podcast focuses primarily on travel destinations and the best places to travel to.  It covers everything from knowing what to put on your Chicago dog when you go to the Windy City to swimming with whales in Tonga.

Some of the best blog posts include:

California Travel

A travel blog about my home state of California.


77 thoughts on “About”

  1. Thank you for providing these podcasts for the public. I am a relatively new Christian and appreciate your podcasts as resources to satisify my hunger for the Word. God bless you and your family.

    1. Hi Chris,
      I really enjoy listening to your podcast during my morning commute. Great job! I’m interested in learning more about the history of early Christianity and the Bible. Do you have any books you’d recommend (other than the Bible which I’m reading already)?

      1. I’ve read several books about Christianity and am having trouble thinking of some of their names. I do remember two: KILLING JESUS and also THE CASE FOR CHRIST.

        These podcasts are just amazing.

  2. Hey chris! I found your podcast on tune in the other night. Thanks for all your work. I listen to you earlier every night until I fall asleep

  3. Dear Chris , I have been listening to your podcasts most days now for several months and find them really helpful for increasing my understanding of the bible and re-fuelling my faith. Please be encouraged and bless you for giving this really helpful service.

    With many thanks.

  4. Hi Chris… your podcasts have really blessed me all the way across the world in Australia. Thank you for all the time and effort that you put into it.

    God bless

      1. Listening to your podcast from Malaysia, and being blessed. Thanks for explaining the Bible in a way that makes us understand.

  5. I have been listening to you on Amateur Traveler and glad I found out about this podcast. Really enjoy both. I’m moving from Orange County to France in October. I don’t speak French yet and will really benefit from the “English” podcasts.

  6. Chris,

    My name is Tarra Brown and i am a Sunday school teacher in Indiana. I am currently listening to a lot of your podcasts to aid in preparing my lessons for my high school/middle school class. I am talking this before my education board at church, but would like to know a little more about your background. Would you be willing to communicate with me? Thanks so much!÷

  7. I’ve listened to approximately 40 episodes of your podcast. All I can say is you are more talented in teaching the Bible than you know. You have a very balanced viewpoint on interpretation. You don’t allow your ego or extreme points of view take over. You offer insight I believe is in line with God’s words and intent. Keep it going!!! Thank you!!! Love your Amateur Traveler Podcast too.

  8. I know God led me to this podcast. You have helped me deal with many questions and strengthened my faith as you point out God’s consistent Word in His instruction manual for our lives. May the Lord bless you. Thank you for all that you do.

      1. Prayers of comfort for you and family in the death of your father. May the Lord give you all the peace that passes all understanding.

  9. Hi Chris,

    At 31 years old, I have just recently came to believe in God. Your podcast is helping me to understand the teachings in the bible. The episode on the Lord’s Prayer was so relatable and encouraging as it’s been challenging for me learning how to pray.

    Thank you!

    1. I grew up in the Lutheran church. A lot of my faith formation happened in non-denominational settings like the college Christian group that I was in and the Chaplain program I take part in. My faith statement is pretty simple, think the Apostle’s Creed.

  10. Hi Chris,,

    Greetings in the Lord.

    I have this online non-profit broadcasting station specifically to reach the world with the good news of our Lord… I have found you have very profound knowledge in the bible,some of your studies are very meaningful especially marriage….. New & newness…

    I have subscribed to rss feed on your weakly genesis study & wish to rebroadcast on our channel…
    I wish if can broadcast some of your teachings too… there is no cost involved…
    “Freely you have received, freely give”

  11. Hi Chris,

    I just wanted to comment and say thank you for your podcast. I’m fairly new to reading the Bible (and faith itself) and it can be really frustrating/discouraging sometimes not being able to understand some verses or words. I have found great help in your bible study podcast! I can truly understand the word of God through your so thank you very much!

  12. Thank you for the Bible study podcast. I’m new to listening to podcasts and have recently found yours. I truly enjoy it and can’t wait to get in my car and listen. I have a 45 minute drive to work, so I hear several episodes each day. Please keep them coming.

  13. Hi Chris
    Thank you so much for your Bible Study Podcast. Since finding your podcasts, I have decided to start at #1 and use one each day for my quiet time. Your reading of the Bible passages and your clear ‘unpacking’ of them is a real blessing. I look forward to the podcasts every morning. So please be encouraged and know that even in an obscure village on the eastern shore of South Africa, you are spreading the Gospel! Your music is a blessing too.
    Thank you!

  14. Hi, my name is Pasquale Frega and i am a programmer. I contact you because i have developed the ebook of The King James Bible in ePub and mobi format for Amazon Kindle and other ebook readers; please visit my site below. I will be very happy if you share it in your web sites and blogs. Regards.


  15. Greetings Chris,

    My wife and I found your podcast just as our church began studying 1 & 2 Corinthians. Your podcast has helped us greatly in digesting Paul’s writings, which can be cumbersome, for lack of a better word. Thank you for this tremendous benefit to ourselves and the Church as a whole.

    Thanks again and peace be with you.

  16. I hope you never stop giving these studies. May the Lord continue to bless you as you bless others teaching his “Word”. Amazing!!!

  17. Hi Chris. I’m a semi-new Christian and have found your podcasts. Could not agree with what you say more. I love your in-depth description of the different books of the Bible. My favorite so far has been Romans, it is my most-read book in the Bible . To have found someone who spends so much time studying through the books really makes me happy. Thank you for taking the time to provide us with these podcasts, they’re very much appreciated by many!

  18. I found The Bible Study podcast a couple of weeks! I love it! I appreciate that you take your time going thru each chapter of the books! I listen every morning. I started from the 1st episode. Keep up the great work. God bless you! Happy new year!

  19. Chris,
    I enjoy your bible study podcast. I listen to it daily during my walks. I too am Lutheran and love to travel. I will check out your armature travel podcast as well. Our Lutheran church is struggling in a similar way to the one you attended and gave the sermon about Abraham, God’s plan and faith. You related it to the struggles of that church which had a large attendance in the past and now was in a time of struggle. Basically, Abraham had faith and lived his whole life in a transition towards the final outcome where his decedents would be as numerous as the stars. He never lived to see it, but it happened. How is your church doing now? I am just curious. God’s plan will be done.
    Thanks for all you do.

    1. Rick, my church is doing well. We have a new pastor whose sermons I am really appreciating. We are meeting our budget which many are not here in the pandemic.

    1. Corey, unfortunately no. When I changed servers a few years back I did not get that service working again.

  20. Hi Chris,

    I’ve recently started listening to your podcast and I am very much enjoying it!

    Thank you for the time and effort you put into it and for sharing your knowledge with us all.

    Being new to Chistianity, it is very important to know the statement of truth of the teachers and elders I listen to and learn from- would you be able to provide yours to me?
    Would you also share your denomination/church name that you belong to?

    Many thanks from Australia ?

    1. Adrianna. I attend a Lutheran church. I am not sure what you are looking for with a statement of truth. I would probably start with one of the historic creeds like the Nicene or Apostle’s creed.

  21. Chris,
    You have an impressive commentary on the Bible at this website. We both share a passion for Bible study. I have placed my Old and New Testament, chapter-by-chapter commentary at bibliture.com. I share this with peace and hope that you find the comparison of commentaries and Bible study of interest.
    Patrick Grady (B. Conscious)

  22. Hey Chris, rhis will be an odd request for certain. I am from a very Baptist background. For myself, I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I love to study and teach, BUT did I mention the Baptist background? Among my family and male friends at (our now former church) I cannot find anyone who will take me seriously and discuss scripture with me. I really enjoy your podcasts. Currently, I am doing a study on the letter to the Hebrews. It’s a deep book to be sure. Maybe I have just bitten off more than I can chew, I don’t know. If you have an ideas, please help me figure this out. Thanks

  23. Hey Chris, thanks for the work that you do. I am a long time christian, born into a Lutheran family now living in the u
    US. I’m originally from Toronto. I enjoy your shows in the morning when I’m getting ready for work. your diligence is appreciated as I strengthen my relationship with God!

  24. Hello Chris,

    I recently discovered your Bible Study podcast and have been enjoying your biblical discussions and teachings very much. Despite being a follower of Christ for a long time, the podcast has furthered my knowledge and contextual understanding of scripture. What a blessing! I greatly appreciate the humble and caring approach you take when teaching God’s word. God is definitely using you!

  25. Good morning,
    I Love the Bible study podcast and greatly respect your style and views, especially in this political soup we find ourselves living in. I am a 58 year old man who recently (7yr)
    married the love of my life. unfortunately her/our children turn away from God, even to the point of turning off the positive life radio we play. They are good, loving people in all ways. I am worried for them and especially our grandchildren. I pray for them continuously. Could you please give me some advice on how I might get through to them please? we never would try to force anything on anyone, ever, but I would love to see them love the Lord.
    Thank you, God bless you!
    Matthew Pettit.

    1. Matthew, I would like to say I have a great formula and a script that you can use. I do not. I wish I did. I obviously would start with prayer, prayer, and more prayer.

  26. Hi Chris, I’ve been reading a chapter of the Bible each day following along with your podcast for most days the past two years. Though going to church many years, this is the first time I’m learning how the books, authors, events and timeline are connected. It is so helpful to have key themes highlighted for deeper knowledge and thought. Your podcast has renewed my joy reading the Bible again!

  27. Thank you so much for The Bible Study Podcast. I absolutely love the biblical simplicity of it. I have been truly blessed by each episode. God bless you!!

  28. Chris, as a new listener to your podcast and beginner of Christian faith entirely, I want to begin reading the Bible. I don’t know where to start? Old Testament, New Testament, lots of options it seems. It doesn’t make sense and seems daunting. Do you have a suggestion of a specific book that is a little more easily explained?

  29. Hello Chris,
    I have trouble listening to your podcasts. I am not able to download or stream any of your podcasts, although I can do that with other podcasts. How to solve this problem?

    1. Tobias, I am not sure what problem you are having. The podcasts are available on all the podcast platforms. Which one do you use? They are downloaded about 60k a month so it is working for somebody.

  30. Hey Chris, thank you so much for the bible study podcast. I have been listening to it for about a year and I have learned so much. I always recommend it to my other fellow believers and unbelievers as well. I pray that God continues blessing this ministry.

  31. Hi Chris
    As someone who struggles mightily to dedicate serious time to Bible study I wanted to say thank you very much for your podcast. I try to listen every day on my walk. You make tough concepts much clearer for me. Moving forward I hope to use your podcast as the base to study more.

    As I’m walking today it occurs to me that I don’t really know how to pray. I can certainly say a prayer silently but in the presence of other people when trying to say a prayer I feel like I’m lost and unsure of the proper way to pray. Perhaps some day you could do a special podcast on that subject. Or maybe you already have and I haven’t gotten there yet.

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