Episode 45 – The Church is… (called to be) Grace-full and Mercy-full

Part 4 in a series on what the church is and what it is called to be. This episode focuses on mercy (not getting the punishment we deserve) and grace (getting a gift we don’t deserve). It will also focus on how God is full of grace and mercy and how the church is called to also be characterized by grace and mercy.

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Episode 44 – The Church is… (called to be) Victorious

The Church is… (called to be) victorious. The church is at war and the bible says that it will overcome, but we do sometimes get confused just who we are fighting. When they send in SWAT they make sure they know who is the enemy and who are the hostages. The church needs to remember the same thing.

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Episode 43 – The Church is… (called to be) Thankful

This is the episode is part two in a series dealing with the question of “What is the church supposed to be like?”. This episode starts with looking at thankfulness and thanksgiving. Ever seen a church or a Christian that is bitter? dried up? filled with jealousy? This is not God’s intention or plan for the church or its members. Find out why thankfulness is so important.

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Episode 42 – The Church is… (called to be) United

This is the episode is part one in a series dealing with the question of “What is the church supposed to be like?”. This episode starts with looking at unity. Ever been to a church where people seem to take pleasure in taking sides? Ever see one denomination take shots at another? Is it supposed to be this way?

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Episode 40 – Where is God? (part 1)

This is the episode is part seven in a series dealing with the question “what does the Bible have to say about why bad things happen to good people”. This episode starts to try and ask the question of “Where is God when there is suffering?”

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Scott Krippayne – I make reference to one of his songs in this episode

Episode 39 – Why do good things happen to “bad” people?

This is the episode is part six in a series dealing with the question “what does the Bible have to say about why bad things happen to good people”. This episode asks the opposite question. “Why do good things happen to bad people?” Can God love even those who are his enemies?

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Episode 37 – I’ll get by with a little “help” from my friends

This is the episode is part four in a series dealing with the question “what does the Bible have to say about why bad things happen to good people”. This episode will look at the chapters 4 – 31 of the story of Job. Job’s friends gather around in an intervention and try and give him some “good” advise.

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