Episode 23 – Psalm 51 – Create in Me A Clean Heart

In this episode the Bible Study Podcast looks at the Psalm David wrote after he had really, really, really screwed up. He had committed adultery and then to cover up he had plotted to have the husband of the woman (Bathsheba) kill in battle. Could God still love David? He thought so, because he knew God. This is his cry to be right with God again.

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Episode 21 – “Good” Friday – Crucifixion – Luke 23

In honor of Good Friday the Bible Study Podcast looks at Jesus crucifixion and death from Luke’s account. If you were being tortured to death and every breath was taken and agony and the agony was made worse when you tried to get the breath to talk, what would you talk about? Jesus talks about forgiveness.

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Episode 20 – Gideon, Reluctant Hero (part 2) – Judges 7

The Midianites have invaded Israel because the people turned their back on God and started worshiping other Gods. Gideon is finally convinced that God wants him to rescue his people from the Midianites and raises an army. Just when things are going well God gives Gideon some unexpected feedback. “You have too many men”.

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Episode 19 – Gideon, Reluctant Hero (part 1) – Judges 6

The Midianites have invaded Israel because the people turned their back on God and started worshiping other Gods. God calls Gideon to rescue his people from the invading Midianites. Gideon is not so sure that this sounds like a good idea. Sometimes when we ask “God, why haven’t you done something?”, God replies “Am I not sending you?”.

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Episode 18 – Joseph dreams come true – Genesis 40-45

When last we left our hero Joseph he was unjustly accused and spending time in prison, but the Lord was with him. In this episode we see that God has given Joseph the ability to interpret dreams and how God has uses that ability, as part of a plan that is many years in the making, to save the lives of his family.

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Episode 17 – Joseph and his amazing technicolor dream coat – Genesis 37, 39

Joseph is the favorite son of Israel/Jacob the grandson of Abraham. Everyone knows that Joseph is his father’s favorite son which does not make him popular with his siblings who eventually sell him into slavery. If God is with Joseph, and the bible says he is, why does he end up in prison accused of a crime he did not commit?

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