This is the episode is part 36 and the final part of a study of the gospel of Luke. You can’t keep a good man down. Jesus refuses to remain dead, much to the surprise of his disciples who were ready to embalm the body and move on with their lives. Jesus turns the defeat of Good Friday into the ultimate victory of Easter.
click here to download (mp3)
I love what NT Wright says about the physicality of the resurrection: if Jesus is nothing more than a ghost or specter, then he hasn’t conquered death. He’s just plain dead. It is the fish-eating, wound-touchable, physicality – strange and new though it may be – that makes the event of the resurrection what the first Christians claimed it to be.
I love the language of that “fish-eating, wound-touchable, physicality” 🙂
at times in all our lives we have travelled along life’s pathway and been unaware that Jesus has been walking and taking with us – through people wd have interacted with, through things we have experienced and heard, seen through the wonder of creation etc. There comes a time when we realize that in fact that ‘unseen guest’, those thoughts, strings, cinvictions etc are Jesus revealing himself to us.