Episode 70 – James 2

This episode is part two in a series on the book of James. James ask us why we pay favoritism to the rich over the poor as they come to church. James challenges us to show him our faith by actions. He challenges us that faith that is not visible in actions is dead.

James 2

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Episode 67- Christianity 101 – Romans 14

This episode is part sixteen in a study on Paul’s letter to Romans. Paul tells us Christians don’t always agree and that some matters are disputable. He then tells us that being right is not the most important thing. Our love for our brother and sister is more important than being right in such matters.

Romans 14

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Episode 65 – Christianity 101 – Romans 11:33-12

This episode is part fourteen in a study on Paul’s letter to Romans. Paul gives us a practical guide to living in light of the mercy that God has shown us. Instead of being just like the world Paul tells us that we are called to a sacrificial, transformational love.

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Episode 62 – Christianity 101 – Romans 8:18-39

This episode is part eleven in a study on Paul’s letter to Romans. If God is for us, who can be against us? What can separate us from the love of God? Nothing.

Romans 8:18-39

Song: I Am Convinced by Chris Christensen


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