Episode 139 – Acts 2:1-41 – The Day of Pentecost

This is the episode is part 2 of the study of the book of Acts. The disciples have been told to wait in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit comes. On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit comes and comes in power. He empowers the apostles to speak in tongues and Peter to preach. On this day the church is started and adds 3000 new beleivers.

Acts 2:1-41

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4 thoughts on “Episode 139 – Acts 2:1-41 – The Day of Pentecost”

  1. Chris,

    Enjoy your website. It is easy to listen to your podcast and reading the text by right click on the Bible link (using open in new tab) and follow along. I would like to see a search button so I can search the entire blog for a particular bible book.

    Some sections of the bible strongly hightlight biblical encouragement.

    I built http://www.encouragementsource.com that has bible education on the web about christian encouragement that people can reference. Be great to cross reference those Episodes that are about christian encouragement.

    God Bless


    1. Huh, I really don’t have a search button do I. I had a better wordpress theme on this blog and then lost it at some point and have not had a chance to fix it.

  2. In Acts 2:17 & 18 Peter refers his listeners to the book of Joel to validate and confirm the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that has just taken place…. and that would be cool, but what confuses me is that he continues quoting Joel, in verses 19 & 20 but it doesn’t seem to have any bearing on what is occurring right then, but rather something way into the future… Or does Peter mean “that great and glorious day of the Lord” has just arrived through the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Wouldn’t the crowd be wondering where the other signs are, ie. blood, fire, clouds of smoke, sun darkened, etc.?
    Thank you for helping me gain greater understanding.
    Bless you.

    1. I think the only honest answer is I don’t know for sure. One thing we do know is that at first, the early Christians seemed to think that Jesus would come back in their lifetime. So Peter might have thought this was the start of something big or it may have just sounded familiar to him from the Joel account.

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