2 thoughts on “Money – Being Content – Episode 168”

  1. Just started listening to studies on money. They are great and in line with my personal beliefs. Thanks for these free iPod podcasts!!!!

    Question; How do you set priorities with giving? I rank them as follows:

    1. Church 2. Take care for those in need who are close to you via deacon funding and personal giving to: orphans, widows, hungry, sick.particularly those who you are fellowshipping with and those around you. 3. Para-Church organizations that have Gospel in their mission statement and then, 4. others worthy causes cancer & heart research, ….

    I think 1 & 2 are tightly aligned. I am thinking that as a Christian you are compelled (in your heart) to in your to give cheerfully. Giving should promote the Good News about God.

    1. That seems like a fine approach. I don’t know that we think about the second category as often as it sounds like you do. We do also tend to give more support to the places where we have invested our time. My wife, for instance, has been on the board of our church’s school. I am on the board and volunteer for the local prison ministry. So those groups hold a special place for us.

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